Want to get involved in the healing-tree-community's campaign?
Here are some ideas that may interest you!
Let us know if there are more things you would like to do, if you have ideas of your own or would like to create and present your own project on mental health!
Organise a community gathering, a night with friends or an open-mic day where people from different backgrounds will have the chance to exchange stories, ideas or knowledge on the topic of mental health
Create a post for the social media on stereotypes and our effort to reduce/break free from them. You may use the hashtags #BreakTheCycle or #thehealingtreeproject
Stand by a friend who is going through a hard time
Do not allow members of your workgroup/class/family to respond stereotypically to the news about mental health problems. People who suffer from mental health symptoms should not be defined by them
Volunteer at a day-care clinic/local community center
Initiate discussions on mental health
Visit a hospital and learn more about the subject
Be an advocate for the #BrealTheCycle campaign (get in touch with us!)
Be cautious of the language you use about mental health - avoid using symptom-language as a label, an adjective or a slung word
Educate yourself and spread the good news to other people
Talk about the benefits of combining mental health with physical health efforts
Begin your own mental health routine
Remain honest about therapy - there is nothing wrong in people visiting/working with a therapist
Stay open to people and their differences. Embrace diversity and change
Spot stigmatization on media coverage of certain issues
Choose to live an empowered life
Let's raise our voices (and our tea cups!) against the stigma